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Forum Index - Feature requests - Online edit of documents.
Dec 20, 2007, 8:46:20 AM - Online edit of documents.
Lyubomir Lyubenov

We have the following issue in VisionProject.
We have a "test report" document, which is an excel file in which many different VP participants have to enter data. The problem is that this file should be first downloaded then the data entered, and then uploaded... by this time, some other participant have also downloaded the file for data entry, and the result is that when they both upload it again, the file is irrelevant. The file lock feature that i wrote about in this forum would help, but still the file have to be downloaded/edited/uploaded, which is verry time consuming if say 20 people have to do it, and the test reports are for every release. I've tried to workaround this by making the excel file into html (as VP currently accepts online edit of text and html documents), but the end form is not user friendly as every user see the HTML editor. So any mechanism which enables online edit of the documents will be highly appriciated.

Best Regards,

Dec 20, 2007, 11:52:02 AM - Re: Online edit of documents.
Jonas Fagerström

Hi Lyubo,

Online editing of documents will be implemented in some form during 2008.
However, it is not simple to implement, and we have discussed different
solutions of how to do this, either by using a third arty solution for viewing
and editing office documents online, or by making offline editing easier with
an automatic synchronization feature to upload changed documents to the

>>I've tried to workaround this by making the excel file into html (as VP currently accepts
>>online edit of text and html documents), but the end form is not user friendly as every
>>user see the HTML editor.

We know that the third party html editor we use is not optimal for advanced
documents, and it is mostly intended for simpler documents. However, to make
the html documents easier to read we will make a change so that they open
read-mode by default in the future. I hope this will help somewhat!

Thanks and regards,

Jonas Fagerström,

VisionProject Sales and Support Team




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